Welcome to Black Cat News India's news tycoon and the first multilingual news available in 22+ languages across all states of India. We are dedicated to provide you the best news on Bollywood, Politics, Business, Cricket, Technology, Travel, etc. Black Cat News promises that as the voice of democracy, it will fight against corruption, injustice, and inhumanity. Black Cat News is a voice of the people, by the people, and for the people, so it shall not perish from the earth. Blackcat News is Founded in 2019 by World IT and Media Research Analysis Wing, Blackcat News has come a long way from its inception in Odisha, Balasore. BlackCat News is registered under act 2013 in the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and recognized by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government Of India.
Our mission is to uphold the truth in society to maintain democracy. we will remove corruption from society to establish social justice and we always raise our voices for every common people.
In our view, both the rich and the poor, politicians, the general public, government officials, well-informed non-tribals, men and women should all have equal rights. we will always fight for that and we will uphold the truth in front of everyone.
"We promises that as the voice of democracy, We will fight against corruption, injustice, and inhumanity. Black Cat News is a voice of the people, by the people, and for the people, so it shall not perish from the earth."